Jan Taylor Dip.Hom.ACH, RSHom Homeopath at The Holistic Centre

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About Homeopathy

THE HISTORY OF HOMEOPATHY - The name 'Homeopathy' comes from two Greek words meaning 'similar suffering', or 'like cures like'. This is a natural principle that has been known for thousands of years, but it was not until the end of the 18th century that Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) a brilliant German Doctor and Chemist, started on the course of study and experimentation that led to the development of modern homeopathy. He was appalled by the savage medical practices of the day, so he formulated a system of medicine that he felt, was not only extremely safe, but also scientifically based. His philosophy of disease and cure through natural process has changed very little from that day to this.

The principle of 'like curing like', states that if a substance can cause harm to a healthy person in large doses, it also has the potential to cure the same problem in tiny doses by stimulating the body's own natural energy, enabling it to self heal. To use an example. In the 19th century, it was custom among German women to take the herb valerian regularly as a stimulant. The practice was much abused and caused overtaxing of the nervous system. Yet given in minute doses, Valerian relaxes the nervous system, and calming the mind is one of homeopathy's main remedies for insomnia.

WHY WE GET ILL - We become ill when our energy is depleted or when we are out of harmony. The word 'disease' should perhaps be used more accurately and be written as 'dis-ease', indicating that we are not at ease.

STRESS is a major contributor to inner disharmony, which can then manifest itself as physical ailments. Grief, fear, shock, worry, depression and loneliness are not compatible with good health and therefore can make individuals 'susceptible' to dis-ease.

There are many causes of disease, some are obvious, such as bruising or shock that follow an accident. A run-down and overworked person will probably not escape a winter flu epidemic. Illness often has an emotional cause, which a lot of the time people do not recognise as why they have become physically ill.

When in doubt always seek the help of a medical professional. The advice contained in this website is for general information. If you have a health problem it is your decision and responsibility to make an informed choice about a treatment plan and/or medical options you want to pursue.

THE FIRST HOMEOPATHIC CONSULTATION lasts approximately 90 minutes. This is to allow time to really get an essence of you as a person and what makes you unique. It is not just to go through a list of questions.

We discuss your presenting problem/s in detail first. Then I need to know things like, what type of foods you desire, what weather you are happiest in and how you sleep, etc. It is important also to get a clear picture of you emotionally; for example, can you describe your temperament? That's a difficult one I am frequently told, but it does really make you think. Perhaps you are a joker on the outside but use this to conceal the shy person inside.

All these things are equally important, so is the time taken to reflect on your life as a whole. This is what makes homeopathy HOLISTIC, as homeopathy considers every aspect of you and where you have come from.

THE MEDICINE/REMEDY - is usually given as powders to be taken in water over several days. Each course of treatment is as individual as the patient and the length of time and number of follow up appointments will vary but can be discussed at the first consultation.

FOLLOW UP consultations are usually 4-6 weeks later and last between ½ hour to ¾ hour.

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