Jan Taylor Dip.Hom.ACH, RSHom Homeopath at The Holistic Centre

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FAQ & Testimonials

Can I still have contact with my GP whist having homeopathic treatment?
A -Yes of course, if you are on conventional medication it is especially important to keep the contact.

Do homeopathic medicines still work if I am on medicine from my doctor?
A - Yes because homeopathic medicine works on a different level - not a physiological level but on a dynamic level.

Can I take my daughter's homeopathic medicine as I have the same illness as her?
A - No because homeopathy treats 'individual' people. 10 people may come for the same complaint and all of them may receive a different homeopathic medicine.

Q - What are homeopathic remedies made of?
A - Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, animal and mineral extracts and diluted in varying degrees in order to avoid unpleasant side effects. All homeopathic medicines are tested, or as we call it 'proved' on healthy human beings, NOT on animals.

For further information on homeopathic research visit: The Society of Homeopaths Research Page

"An audit of my practice shows that the following patients have come with a diagnosis from their doctor or health practitioner as recorded and have sought treatment from me over the time I have been in practice"

S.V. ' Anaemia'
Jan has been initially treating my daughter for a health issue going on for 7 months, we had been back and forth to GP and A&E with no improvement before seeing Jan. I found Jan over the Internet following a a thorough research of a number of homeopaths.
We have been visiting Jan since April 2018. My daughter's condition massively improved in just 2 days since started on homeopathic medication. I did not expect to see such a fast positive impact on my daughter's health issue.
As a registered nurse I was really impressed by the lengthy comprehensive holistic assessment which stretched as far back as my antinatal experience with my daughter.
My daughter is now well and full of energy, as she used to be.

I have recommended Jan to family and friends and have become a client of her's myself.
I have been suffering from anaemia for many years and had other health issues. My anaemia is now resolved and I feel so much better.

Jan is a superb communicator, she is down to earth and an excellent homeopath. Jan has completed many CPD courses in addition to her Diploma in homeopathy which reflects her commitment in delivering outstanding services to her clients. Thank you, Jan

V.P , Comments from 11 year old suffering with HEAVY, PAINFUL & TOO FREQUENT PERIODS (Menses)
"Jan Taylor’s presence is very amiable and affable. My experience was very pleasant and professionally handled; her way of dealing with clients doesn’t make you feel uneasy at all. The atmosphere in her office is very tranquil and soothing, which relieves any tension you might have felt beforehand. Her natural remedies provide a more effective and potent outcome. I recommend homeopathy to everyone ; it truly does help. "

"My 13 year old daughter had been suffering excruciating abdominal pain for over a year, and had been going through different test at the hospital to no avail. I was completely at my wits end and didn't know who to turn to for help. A friend recommended Jan, and when we met for the first time, my daughter felt so comfortable and we finally believed we were going to get help. After first treatment we noticed a dramatic change, and after second treatment my daughter is finally pain free and has put back the weight she lost through the pain. We can't thank you enough and would highly recommend you to help others".

I have been seeing Jan for approximately the last two years, initially with ongoing pelvic pain that has plagued my life for over 40 years.
From a misdiagnosed appendicitis , to a misdiagnosed pelvic abcess, which then led to two major surgeries to try to rectify matters. Pelvic pain continued in one form or another, from burning to soreness to unbearable nerve pain. At the age of 46 more surgery ( total hysterectomy) ,but this then led to more nerve pain.
I had experienced homeopathy many years ago for other ailments with great success and decided to try again.
I no longer have pelvic pain of any kind, and have not had for over a year ( why did I wait so long ? ) ......thank you Jan, thank you homeopathy.

Your homeopathic remedies have helped wonderfully with my menopausal symptoms and your consultations have changed my life perspectives and directions of which I am very grateful. I look forward to consulting you though in the future if I have any concerns.

When I first entered Jan's holistic centre I was far from healthy. I was suffering with a whole host of dis-ease presenting itself as constant ear infections, sinusitis, migraines with aura and IBS symptoms that left me vomiting most mornings and sometimes throughout the day. These labels the doctor had given me were nothing more than a way for him to treat the symptoms I was experiencing. With another prescription in my hand I was at a complete loss as to what to do, instinctually I knew none of these medicines could help me. I did not want to continue feeling the way I did but I couldn't see a way out.
In a moment of desperation I began googling ways to help with the issues I was facing. I stumbled upon Jan Taylor, a homeopath, who I was later going to build a relationship with I would never forget. I have been seeing Jan now for two years, during that time she has not only cured me of all the issues listed above but has brought me into a better state of health overall. Jan is such a pleasure to go and see, she listens intently, is patient, kind and very knowledgeable in her field of work. Jan's holistic centre feels like it is surrounded by an orb of positive energy, visiting feels like a warm hug for your soul.
The remedies Jan prescribed me over the time I have been seeing her have changed my health in a way I didn't think possible. Within 6 months the recurring ear infections and sinusitis I was experiencing had completely gone. I no longer suffer with migraines, and the IBS? yes, that's gone too. I no longer have to live with the symptoms or labels I had been given. Jan treated me holistically; she helped me to understand that the physical symptoms I was presenting with had an emotional cause. We worked together to identify what these causes were and I was prescribed remedies each month to support how I was feeling. The remedies are just one half of the cure though, Jan is the other. Seeing her for regular appointments and just being able to talk and be supported by her was also part of the healing process.
I cannot thank Jan and homeopathy enough for everything it has done for me. Jan is such an inspirational lady who will get you thinking and reading (should you wish to) in between appointments to facilitate you on your path to wellness. If you are looking for an alternative way to treat any illness or symptoms you are experiencing, please consider homeopathy. It is not a quick fix but anything that has lasting results will not be.
Today marked my last appointment with Jan as I am off travelling but it will not be the last she will hear from me. Thank you Jan, from the bottom of my heart.

I went to Jan because I felt I needed some help and guidance with confusion and depression that I had been feeling on and off for some 35 years. I had tried to clear it myself without any improvement. Jan was a patient listener and I felt very at ease talking to her. After the first remedy, I felt some changes and I returned to Jan to report that I had had several ‘light bulbs’ moments.

After the 2nd months' remedy I now feel as if I have woken up from a deep sleep. I have been laughing and joy has returned to my life. Thank you Jan for your patience and kindness.

Jan, I just had to write and thank you so much for healing me of the very painful anal fistula I came to see you about a few months ago now. As you know, I was due to undergo surgery, which would not only have been very painful, but did not even guarantee a permanent cure. I decided to delay the procedure and give homeopathy a go, as I know there are so many things it can help with, and by the time of my third appointment with you I was feeling an awful lot more comfortable. I have felt absolutely nothing in that area for three or four months now and I am, literally, extremely relieved. I am so grateful to you for enabling me to sit down without even giving it a thought these days. Keep up the great work!

I am so pleased to be able to say that my teenage daughter would appear to have been completely cured of her eczema problem which we came to see Jan about last year. Although she had not suffered from eczema as a child, she had had sudden flare-ups out of nowhere around the time of her CGSEs and then on and off for a year until she had more severe problems with it again around the time of her AS Levels. Steroid creams and strips from the doctor only seemed to bring temporary relief, and I was keen to avoid them all together, if possible, so decided to give homeopathy a go. Within no time of seeing Jan any flare-ups at all were minimal, and over recent months there has been absolutely nothing. The biggest test of all is that she has undergone several very demanding university interview days, and all her subsequent A Levels, with more stress than ever on her plate, but with no trace whatsoever of eczema! We are much indebted to you, Jan.

My first visit to Jan Taylor, was, it turned out, to be the beginning of a journey to a healthier, happier person, who is back in control of her life and future! You may think this is an exaggeration and I must admit I do not understand it myself, but if you were to take a snapshot of me, say five years ago and the person I am now, I am now a totally different person.
To continue my story... on my first visit Jan took a detailed medical and family history, at the time I could not see the relevance of all this knowledge but in a way now I see this was the start of the journey. Like most of us, I never talked about myself or ever even really thought about what I was feeling and incidentally how badly I was feeling - you just have to get up and get on with it, don’t you! But Jan made me see, what had happened in my past had shaped my present and future - it has taken a while but I now see this was the start of this cathartic form of healing.
I had suffered with Dermatitis on my hands for years and nothing cured it - some creams alleviated the symptoms but Jan gave me a remedy that stopped it in a week - marvelous - and what is better it has not returned. This however was not the main reason why I had decided to visit a homeopath - I had been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer which had metastasised to my liver and was suffering with all the associated ailments, the effects of chemotherapy and on going cancer problems with my liver and the associated tiredness, sickness and lethargy, as well as confusion and concerns that go along with this disease. My doctors although treating the disease - were not, I don’t think actually treating me! I never got the answers to my questions, or really any explanation of the treatments that were handed out - I felt like I was a statistic and not a person - I needed something more!
I have now lost the pain in my liver, regained the energy I had before, lost four stone in weight, reduced my diabetes to normal levels and turned my outlook into a more positive one, OK - I know everyone will say this is not just down to homeopathy, all I know is that I have turned a corner in my health and well-being and think more positively about life and it started when I went to a homeopath.
All I would like to say in conclusion, is that homeopathy has changed my life in a way that I don’t wholly understand, I am now both intrigued, motivated and inspired by this form of treatment of the mind, body and spirit and it has certainly been the catalyst in producing the healthier more alive me and I would have no hesitation in recommending homeopathy to anyone.

I would like to thank you for the treatment you gave me for Hay Fever last October and to tell you how successful it has been. I have suffered from Hay Fever since the age of seven and I am now fifty nine. It is so miserable in the summer months to deal with symptoms such as constant sneezing and red itchy eyes. My birthday is at the end of June and this was the first 'Hay Fever free' birthday I can remember. I wish I had taken your advice to try this treatment years ago but it is hard to think about Hay Fever during the winter months.

I am a lady in my 50's who has been suffering from menopausal symptoms for the past eight years, predominately lack of sleep.
Tried all the usual remedies including HRT without success, not to mention a few internet products! Then someone recommended Jan to me and told me how she had worked wonders for her, she also suffered from lack of sleep due to the menopause.
First appointment with Jan in April then a subsequent follow up of another five appointments. Initially, not much difference, then after a few months things started to improve. From waking up every two hours suddenly I was going longer periods without waking up and what a difference it made to my quality of life! I only wake up once maybe twice now, but, the difference is I go back to sleep.
I can honestly say Jan has changed my life and would not hesitate in recommending her.

I have had tinnitus for nearly 30 years. When I first went to see Jan in October 2009 I was desperate. I couldn’t even talk about my tinnitus without breaking down in floods of tears. My tinnitus was so loud it sounded like I had jet engines in both ears and I could hear these noises above everything, even my washing machine on a very loud spin cycle. I really thought that if I didn’t get help then I faced a life-time of these dreadful noises. Jan asked me lots of questions, some of which at the time really seemed irrelevant, but I know now that homeopathy does not treat just the illness but the person as a whole. Jan gave me 2 powders, which I had to take in water for 5 days at a time. I was sceptical, but I gradually started to feel like my old self. It definitely didn’t happen overnight, because it doesn’t work like that. By Christmas my noises had definitely got quieter and I was not hearing them all day like I was before. 3 months on and I am feeling so much better. When I have had these flare-ups in the past they have sometimes taken up to 6 months before I start to feel any respite, but this time I seem to have improved much quicker. I am confident that I can get over these flare-ups much quicker now with the help of homeopathy,

I have suffered with severe heel pain for the past 8 years. After trying conventional methods such as physio, anti-inflammatory tablets and heel inserts, i decided to try homeopathy to see if this would make a difference. I researched local homeopaths and thought Jan seemed perfect and she was. I must admit, i was a little skeptical to start but, after 4 sessions with Jan, my heels have significantly improved, I can't believe it! The relief of being able to walk in the morning and run without pain is amazing. I really can't thank Jan enough and will be definitely be referring her to all my family and friends. I wish I had found her years ago!

Fron Mum of Baby D B. Southend - CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE
I approached Jan for my son who was 1 year old. He had been born very prematurely, at only 27 weeks gestation and suffers from Chronic Lung Disease. I was glad to find out that Jan would be willing to treat him. Every time my son caught a cold, we would have to take him to hospital with difficulty in breathing. Soon after starting homeopathic treatment, my son stopped needing hospitalisation whenever he caught a cold, and his immune system is now so much better. I know of several children - even older - with Chronic Lung Disease, and feel that my son's health is so much better. He is now a healthy, strong and very energetic 2 year old boy. There are so many stories of children with this condition that need to go to hospital whenever they catch a cold, even at older ages, and I feel that homeopathy has given my son a strong immunity and better ways to deal with colds whenever he gets them. After being diagnosed with eczema, we also turned to Jan and homeopathy for this condition, with great improvements, without any product that will affect him in other ways.
I recommend homeopathy to anyone with similar problems, and feel homeopathic treatments don't have contra-indications as conventional medicines do.
We are so grateful to Jan for our son's good health.

I don't know if you remember me, I used to visit you for my son, D....., a little boy that was born prematurely and had chronic lung disease. It has been a long time since we last saw each other. I have since moved back to Portugal, D..... is now almost 8 years old and the baby I had is now 2. D....'s health has been great, and I can never thank you enough, for I know it was the work you did with him and homeopathy that has brought him to be such a healthy and resilient boy. In fact, to see the results D...... had from homeopathy, it has encouraged me to do a course on Naturopathy and Homeopathy, which I finished with great results, and am now going to start using my knowledge to help other people.
Can only hope, in this new venture, I can be as kind and dedicated has you have always been to us.
Once more, thank you for all your help with D..... - and in fact, the whole family - and for being an inspiration for me".

From C.W., South Woodham
I have been a patient of Jan’s for over 4 years now. When HRT failed to help me I turned to homeopathy and it was the best decision I could have made. Having come through the ‘fog’ of menopause I now maintain my health both physically and mentally with regular visits and I can honestly say hand on heart that for me homeopathy has been and continues to be a great success.

I have been going to Jan for about three years – I first went to see her with sleep and skin problems. At the time I did not realise that my condition was due to a bereavement. After going to her for a few months I gradually started to realise this was the root to many of my problems. Homeopathy has helped me to overcome a lot of grief and has made me a more confident, positive and happy person. Jan Taylor is a very easy person to talk to and I will always continue with homeopathy.

The above testimonials are the personal experience and opinion of each individual and do not represent 'evidence'.

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